Rules Page

Ad HOC Coding Challenge Rules

  1. Team Composition:
    - Each team may include up to four members.
  2. Hardware:
    - Each team member may bring and use one laptop. This ensures that all participants can work simultaneously and independently if needed.
  3. Software and Tools:
    - Teams are free to use any publicly available software, tools, IDEs, programming languages, and libraries.
  4. Communication:
    - Contestants must not seek or accept assistance on the problem from anyone outside their team.
  5. Submissions:
    - Participants may submit solutions for a single dataset or multiple datasets simultaneously.
    - Each submission must include a zip file containing all source code used to generate the solution(s).
  6. Scoring:
    - Each dataset is scored independently.
    - Teams are permitted to make multiple submissions for each dataset; however, each must be uploaded manually without the use of automation.
    - The final score for each team will be the sum of the highest scores obtained for each dataset.
  7. For any questions about the contest details or the rules, please contact us at